Oh, the joy I just experienced at reading about your love of Peter Gabriel and what his music has meant to you. This is the cherry on top of a post that resonates so strongly with me. Finally seeing him in concert years ago was one of the highlights of my life. A Secret World Live is what I've used to shift myself out of a funk for over a couple of decades now.

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Such a wonderful post, Fanny. First, CONGRATULATIONS! Book proposals are like the worst homework ever and, after I did one, I swore, "Never again!" and independently published after that (started my own imprint; stay away from KDP). Taking that on is huge and hard and you deserve hugs and applause. Second, as someone a little older than you who also grieved the childhood/parents she should have had, you will, indeed, get beyond the grief. It moves away from you somehow, transforms into something else. I think for me it was realizing that no apology would make it better, there was no way to get a do-over, it just was what it was BUT it helped make me the person I am, and I kind of like her, so... What you are doing is showing the way for others, so they have a smoother road. Lastly, it's so hard to write for a living and write for yourself (I ended up doing bookkeeping so I could keep the writing all for me, LOL), so more hugs and applause for doing that. I struggle with chronic fatigue and know both the physical and creative crash that comes when I wear myself out. What you are doing is A LOT and bold and brave and amazing. Endless hugs and applause. Just remember to be kind to yourself. We can forget to do that. xo

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I thought I had read this but I had not because it was waiting for me to read it at this perfect moment for me to read it. As you know, this tension is a HARD one for me. I blame my Astro big 3 (scorp, sag, taurus) and capitalism and years of intaking self help culture nonsense on top of the same/grief/trauma. But I feel more glimpses of the spaciousness you’re describing here, not in small measure because of your reminders. A practice to return to, finding that secret third thing again and again.

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I’m not a writer and I am ADHD instead of autism, but man do I relate this this!

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Another banger. Thank you for your wisdom. I am going to draw up and bring your Desire, Capacity, Prayer to my 9 other landmates at house meeting tomorrow evening. I think it is a really beautiful, digestible, and sorely needed framework for both individual and group pursuits.

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I love this journal practice! I'm learning and leaning more into my demand avoidance and any should (internal or external) almost immediately sends me into a reactive space. I fight against it, avoid it, or feel paralyzed and can't do anything at all. I love the idea of checking in with my spirit and asking "what do you desire for today." This feels like a real way to start connecting with my inner locus of trust that feels so hard to access. Thank you as always for sharing your inner world with us!

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thank you for this. it was a balm to my entire soul.

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The book will be incredible, and evolve at just the right pace to uncover your gifts in all complexity. Beautiful pages, too.❤️

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